Masadir Book

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Book Id: 10090

Al-Quran English Tran. Yousuf Ali

Chapter: 50, Kaf

50-1 : Qaf: By the Glorious Qur'an (Thou art Allah's Messenger).
50-2 : But they wonder that there has come to them a Warner from among themselves. So the Unbelievers say: "This is a wonderful thing!
50-3 : "What! When we die and become dust, (shall we live again?) That is a (sort of) return far (from our understanding)."
50-4 : We already know how much of them the earth takes away: With Us is a record guarding (the full account).
50-5 : But they deny the Truth when it comes to them: so they are in a confused state.
50-6 : Do they not look at the sky above them? - How We have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it?
50-7 : And the earth - We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs) -
50-8 : To be observed and commemorated by every devotee turning (to Allah).
50-9 : And We send down from the sky rain charted with blessing, and We produce therewith gardens and grain for harvests;
50-10 : And tall (and stately) palm - trees, with shoots of fruit - stalks, piled one over another; -
50-11 : As sustenance for (Allah's) Servants; - and We give (new) life therewith to land that is dead: Thus will be the Resurrection.
50-12 : Before them was denied (the Hereafter) by the People of Noah, the Companions of the Rass, the Thamud,
50-13 : The 'Ad, Pharaoh, the brethren of Lut,
50-14 : The Companions of the Wood, and the People of Tubba'; each one (of them) rejected the messengers, and My warning was duly fulfilled (in them).
50-15 : Were We then weary with the first Creation, that they should be in confused doubt about a new Creation?
50-16 : It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.
50-17 : Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and noted them), one sitting on the right and one on the left.
50-18 : Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it).
50-19 : And the stupor of death will bring Truth (before his eyes): "This was the thing which thou wast trying to escape!"
50-20 : And the Trumpet shall be blown: that will be the Day whereof Warning (had been given).
50-21 : And there will come forth every soul: with each will be an (angel) to drive, and an (angel) to bear witness.
50-22 : (It will be said:) "Thou wast heedless of this; now have We removed thy veil, and sharp is thy sight this Day!"
50-23 : And his Companion will say: "Here is (his Record) ready with me!"
50-24 : (The sentence will be:) "Throw, throw into Hell every contumacious rejecter (of Allah)! -
50-25 : "Who forbade what was good, transgressed all bounds, cast doubts and suspicions;
50-26 : "Who set up another god beside Allah: Throw him into a severe penalty."
50-27 : His Companion will say: "Our Lord! I did not make him transgress, but he was (himself) far astray."
50-28 : He will say: "Dispute not with each other in My Presence: I had already in advance sent you Warning.
50-29 : "The Word changes not before Me, and I do not the least injustice to My Servants."
50-30 : One Day We will ask Hell, "Art thou filled to the full?" It will say, "Are there any more (to come)?"
50-31 : And the Garden will be brought nigh to the Righteous, - no more a thing distant.
50-32 : (A voice will say:) "This is what was promised for you, - for every one who turned (to Allah) in sincere repentance, who kept (His Law),
50-33 : "Who feared (Allah) Most Gracious Unseen, and brought a heart turned in devotion (to Him):
50-34 : "Enter ye therein in Peace and Security; this is a Day of Eternal Life!"
50-35 : There will be for them therein all that they wish, - and more besides in Our Presence.
50-36 : But how many generations before them did We destroy (for their sins), - stronger in power than they? Then did they wander through the land: was there any place of escape (for them)?
50-37 : Verily in this is a Message for any that has a heart and understanding or who gives ear and earnestly witnesses (the truth).
50-38 : We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six Days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us.
50-39 : Bear, then, with patience, all that they say, and celebrate the praises of thy Lord, before the rising of the sun and before (its) setting.
50-40 : And during part of the night, (also,) celebrate His praises, and (so likewise) after the postures of adoration.
50-41 : And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place quiet near, -
50-42 : The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in (very) truth: that will be the Day of Resurrection.
50-43 : Verily it is We Who give Life and Death; and to Us is the Final Goal -
50-44 : The Day when the Earth will be rent asunder, from (men) hurrying out: that will be a gathering together, - quite easy for Us.
50-45 : We know best what they say; and thou art not one to overawe them by force. So admonish with the Qur'an such as fear My Warning!